The PTA (parents teachers association) is an organisation made up from both parents and staff.
The PTA's main role is to fund raise any which way we can (suggestions always very welcome) to provide "extras" not already provided for by the school's main income, fun things that makes learning more interesting and exciting.
The PTA committee and the Principal will usually decide where to spend the money e.g. computers, ipads, furniture, playground equipment, school minibus etc.
By simply coming along to these meetings you are helping to support your child and their school.
Everyone is welcome and every meeting is advertised in the school newsletter
CGrace Smith
The role of the P.T.A. is to:Provide a community link between the Board of Trustees and the parents of Glenavy School. To fundraise for the school and provide social opportunities for our school community.
The P.T.A. meets on a 'needs' basis at 7.30pm. As soon as a child enrols at Glenavy parents are all considered members of the P.T.A. Please contact the school office for more information. Glenavy School provides learning experiences that aim to produce a well rounded student.
President Grace Smith Treasurer Wendy Noodermeer Secretary Kayla McCulloch |
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